One-on-one Consultation Phone Call
Starting at $49
Prior to the phone call you will fill out a form that has targeted questions about your goals for the rebuild and will request detailed photos of the project. Our expert will review the form, formulate a plan and we will schedule a phone call to discuss what steps you should take to complete this project from start finish.
Step-by-Step Plan created for your rebuild
Starting at $149
This package also includes one phone call. You will fill out a form describing what your goals for the project are and we will request detailed photos. Our expert will then curate a step-by-step written out plan on how to accomplish your goals.
Customized Material List for your rebuild
Starting at $29
This specifically curated list is customizable to your specific project and the amount of each item you need. You will fill out a form, explain your project and our expert will put together a list of materials that will assist in accomplishing your goals